By Lunga Khuzwayo
Being young and female in this day and age allows me to feel free to voice what ever I want. However, voicing opinions comes with great responsibility. I pride myself in providing honest and constructive criticism on the political and social issues that concern the youth…oh yeah and praise only when it is deserved. Charity begins at home; before reaching out beyond South African borders, I feel our focus should be on South African affairs. The youth of today tend to be politically disabled, there needs to be an encouragement for us to be politically active as the future is us. You like Zapiro? I like Zapiro. Already we have something in common, bringing light-heartedness to political affairs. Aiming for the blunt truth- there will be no compromise. All affairs swept under the carpet will be dusted out. Sugar-coated talk will not exist within these four corners of this blog…Let’s be frank, why? Because we can.
Journopad is about upcoming journalists. In the media industry, politics is always good for business, reporting on current issues and ensuring the nation is well informed. This can also be a drag, being a journalist is not easy work, which is something we have discovered as Journalism 1 students. This blog allows us to vent our frustrations on a cyber page, such as impossible deadlines, late nights, group work (*sigh*), endless typing and a constant battle to get into Journalism 2. Indeed, journalism has kept us on our toes. But, we also need to recognise the important of our existence. We report the truth and Journopad is a platform where we say what the problem is and offer solutions. We influence a close-knit relationship between those who want to be journalists and the duties that come with it. As journalist we hold a great accountability as to what we send out to the public, and here at Journopad we vow to deliver what others are afraid to say. There are no boundaries.
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